Do women enjoy it when you talk to them
during s3x ? If so, what should you say ???
ANSWER: Talking to her in bed serves two
purposes. The first is to successfully
extract information from her about what
she wants. To do so effectively, you need
to communicate in a way that allows her
to tell you honestly what she feels. “What
do you want me to do?” or “How do you
want me?” are perfectly reasonable
questions for a woman to hear in bed.
And, just so you know, girls do not like to
hear the p0rn-popular phrase “Do you
like that?” It is completely pointless and
obnoxious. (What’s she going to say,
The second reason to talk to her in bed is
to turn her on by keeping her mentally in
the action. This is the trickier one because
what does it for one woman may gross
out the next. So pick up cues. Terms that are'dirty' can be polarizing, so
unless she starts talking about them first,
keep those words holstered. However,
here are some fail-safe options that any
woman will respond to: “You’re so sexy,”
“You’re amazing” (if she’s on top), “I just
want to please you” (if you’re on top or
about to pleasure her in any way), and “I
don’t want this to stop.” Be sure to
continually remind her that she’s turning
you on and that you’re going to
concentrate on her pleasure—those are
things no woman can argue with.

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