If you want to make a little spending money from home or earn a full-time salary, now’s the time — especially if you have a computer or an internet enabled phone . Just going online opens up a host of opportunities. The trick is knowing which businesses are legitimate. The following are ways to start earning online
1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a type of
performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates
for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.This broken down simply means you get paid to share ads on your blog or your website.The best paying are ;
(i) Google Adsense
(ii) Amazon Associates
(iii) LinkShare
(iv) Commission Junction
(v) ShareASale
2.Online Surveys
Online surveys won’t earn you much apiece, but they
don’t eat up much time either and can
add up when you need cash in a hurry.Surveys are conducted to get information about products,services or to get the trends about everything else. Some of the paid online survey's websites are ;
(i) My voice Africa
(ii) Cashcrate
(iii) Surveysavvy
(iv) Treasuretrooper
(v) Getpaid
3. Sell articles
Lots of small businesses,
websites, and marketers need good
written content and smooth keyword
integration to help them get more
traffic. Though you won’t make much
to start with, most articles will only be
200 to 300 words, which are a snap to
crank out. As you prove yourself to be
capable, you can start charging more
for your services. If you’re a skilled
writer, you might even try submitting
your work to formal publications.
4.Enter contests
Since you won’t get
paid unless your entry wins, search for
a wide range of free contests in a field
where you’re already have a lot of
possible entries (ex. photos, logo-
making, background design) and
submit your work to as many places as
will have you. It might take a day to get
through all of them, but even a few
small successes (or, preferably, a great big one) will make up for it. The
experience might even steer you in a
new creative direction.

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