<p><b>Breaking up</b> is never easy especially if you
were truly in love. You invested so much
of your energy, resources and emotions
to make your relationship work may be
even sacrificed your career, studies or ego
so you could be with your love yet she
did the unthinkable. You just cannot
understand why someone whom you gave
all your love to would turn it down and
hurt you this bad.
Breaking up leaves one with a bad taste in
the mouth and lots of unanswered
questions. What did I do wrong? Did she
really love me? How can I live without
her? Breaking up is a stage in life all
normal human beings who are lucky
enough to fall in love must undergo. While
to some people this painful stage defines
the rest of their lives others surpass the
pain and fall in love again. If you recently
broke up you must be wondering whether
the pain will ever fade away, following are
the <b>7 steps</b> to getting over an ex-
<b>1) Grieve over your loss</b>
Let no one ever lie to you that you can
just shake hands and both walk away
without feeling a thing. Splitting with
someone you have spent so much time
and made lots of memories with is always
devastating. When it happens don’t lock
up your emotions, cry until your tear
glands dry up. Let your friends and family
know about it so they can be with you
during this time to stop you from doing
stupid stuff like, imbibing a bottle full of
Russian vodka, jumping off a building or
overdosing on a concoction of
medications with names you cannot
<b>2) Refrain from seeking revenge</b>
Being in so much pain, blinded by anger
and feeling betrayed can make one go
momentarily insane. When someone
breaks your heart there is this strong urge
to inflict them with physical pain, destroy
their reputation, career or disfigure their
attractive features so no one else will ever
find them attractive. Please refrain from
taking revenge by letting anger take
control of you. Causing bodily harm to
your ex-girlfriend will not only land you
in trouble with the authorities but also
show the whole world what a psycho and
immature jerk you are consequently no
other lady would want to date you.
Restrain from badgering your ex-lover
with calls and texts demanding to know
why they did it or insult them because it
won’t make you feel any better. If
anything you will end up wallowing in
guilt. It’s advisable to erases all images and
videos of you in compromising situations
from your ex-lover’s hard drives before
initiating a break up unless you wouldn’t
mind having a picture of you dancing to
Pitbull’s ‘I’m sexy and I know it’ bare ass
naked doing rounds on Twitter.
<b>3) Get rid of your relationship
The first thought would be to set ablaze
everything that reminds you of your ex
from gifts to pictures. Do this only if you
are absolutely sure it’s the only way for
you to forget them and move on. From
experience, I find this method to be
highly ineffective. You can erase their
phone number and everything else that
reminds you of them but all these will still
be engraved in your brain. Walking
through the streets you may get a whiff of
their favorite fragrance or see a stranger
who looks like them and all the bitter
memories come back flooding into your
The best approach would be to put
everything that reminds you of her in a
box and stash it away until such a time
when they will have no significant effect
on you. This will help greatly help with the
next step I recommend.
<b>4) Accept its really over and work on moving on</b>
Accepting that the life you envisioned
with your ex-girlfriend will never come
true is one of the hardest things for any
man in love. There will always be some
hope that she might come back make
peace, and then you will have a bunch of
beautiful kids and grow old together in
pure bliss. This rarely happens in real life.
Chances are you will get back together
without resolving the issues that broke
you up in the first place, fruitless try to
make it work and end up disappointed.
Never entertain such hopes as they are
bound to hold you from moving on.
However difficult it may be, accept that
you fell in love with her and she will
always hold a special place in your heart
but it’s time for you let go and learn to
love again. Like stashing away your ex-
girlfriend’s memorabilia, appreciate all the
good times you had and just like when
you finish up reading a good novel, put it
back on the shelf and pick another even
more interesting.
<b>5) Rebound love</b>
Hooking up with a rebound love within
the first 48 hours of breaking up is very
crucial towards healing a broken heart. All
along in your previous relationship there
must have been a couple of girls who had
been incessantly hitting on you. Call them
up and hang out with them. There is a
great likelihood they will flatter, worship
and treat you like a demigod. Although
such treatment will not numb the pain it
will greatly rebuild your self-esteem and
make you realize that there are a
thousand other ladies out there who find
you irresistible.
However desist from taking pictures with
your new catch and posting them on
social media to show your ex-lover that
you forgot all about them and moved on.
Your main motivation should rebounding
to heal your broken heart not prove a
point to your ex. Flirting also helps you
polish your otherwise rusty vibes.
<b>6) Cut off all communication</b>
It really sucks to suddenly stop getting
late night calls from your lover or long-
love-texts laced with all kinds of adjectives
to describe you over lunch. To completely
move on you must cut off communication
with your ex-lover especially the first 6
months following the break up. Joints you
use to frequent together should also be
avoided at all costs. During moments of
weakness you may call or check out their
Facebook profiles, don’t be too harsh on
yourself after all you are human.
<b>7) Learn from your past mistakes</b>
There those who breaking up adversely
changes their opinion about the opposite
sex so they choose never to entrust
another soul with their heart. Don’t let
bad past relationships deny you the joy of
finding new love. More often than not
when we hook up we tend to isolate the
other people in our lives and spend so
much time with the lover. A couple of
times you would have your friends tell
you how you’ve become a total sellout,
compromising your principles with
abandon to please your love. I bet you
ostensibly wrote off such comments as
the words of jealousy friends.
However there is always some truth in
what they say. After breaking up ask the
friends to brusquely tell you what they
think you did wrong and objectively
evaluate all what they say. This will help
you learn from your past mistakes so you
wouldn’t repeat them in future. Use this
period to re-strategize on your life
priorities and channel your energy
towards advancing your career.
On average it takes 17 months to
completely get over an ex (I don’t
remember where I read this) so don’t be
too hard on yourself. At the onset you
will be thinking about ex every minute
you are a wake but after a couple of
months they will only be a vague memory.
Share with us how you handled your first
break up!</p>

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