Our women adamantly complain
about the lack of seriousness men
portray when it comes to taking
them out on dates.Listening to such
rants one may be inclined to believe
that the problem lies entirely with
men, a total fallacy if you ask me.
The next time a guy asks you out
only to take you to a shady bar don’t
be quick to admonish him. Sit back
and reflect on how you acted during
the previous date. Chances are that
you are so annoying that the only
way he can sit through the date is
when he has his beer goggles on.
The following are the 5 most
annoying kinds of women to take out
on a dinner date.
1) The pompous superwoman
The modern woman that has
successfully metamorphosed from
her timid predecessors whose main
role was bearing kids and taking care
of their husbands to becoming the
bread winners. If there is anything a
man can do, the new age woman
can too, if not better.The unwritten
rule is that a man must foot the bill
on the first date to show he is
capable of providing for his future
family, you can decide to go Dutch
on subsequent dates but never the
first. The superwoman not only
insists on picking the tab she also
offers to pay your cab fare back
I have nothing against independent
ladies if anything I find them to be
quite irresistible. However, there is
no need to blast a guy with your
long list of accomplishments. We are
amazed by how you graduated top
on your class, got promoted to
management before turning 25 and
have been to a dozen countries
we’ve only read about. Please don’t
rub this in our face as it only makes
us feel emasculated. Such women
completely vanquish a man’s ego
and erode his sense of self-worth.
2) The social media queen
Apparently having 10,000+ followers
on twitter, a well endowed derrière
and regularly posting nudes makes
one a socialite in this part of the
world. This ‘coveted’ occupation
requires one to maintain very high
standards, inflate the buying price
of their accessories and constantly
keep the world abreast on the on
goings of their amazing life on the
fast lane.
When dinner is served, a typical guy
would immediately dive into the
meal with uttermost speed. Just
before you pick the juiciest ribs she
goes like “Mark! Wait!” For a moment
you think she is about to ask you to
say Grace only to have her whip out
a phone and snap pictures of the
food and wine from all angles. Worst
of all, she asks the waiter to capture
you both holding the forks and
knives, the pictures are then
hurriedly uploaded on Instagram“ My
boo and I having dinner at
We would gladly take pictures
holding a samurai sword like some
bad ass but not a dinner knife and
smiling broadly before a mouth
watering dish as it makes us look
stupid before our boys.
3) The fashion cop
The fashion cop will pick a spot with
a vantage view of the entire
restaurant dinning area. Whenever a
better looking or well dressed lady
walks in she will find something
awful about her sense of fashion.
“ Ebu look at that lady, she must
borrowed those pants from her little
sister…seriously how do you dye
your her hair blond when you are
that dark?…just see how she is
strutting around with confidence yet
how she is so ugly”
Dear fashion cops, pointing out
other ladies fashion faux pas will
not elevate your standing before our
eyes if anything we might realize
they are a lot more appealing than
you and wish you would leave so we
can hit on them.
4) The loquacious lady
Do you like my new hairstyle? Do I
look good in orange? Are you
ashamed of holding my hand in
public? Do you find that girl
attractive? I’m I talking too much?
This kind of lady asks endless
questions without giving the poor
guy a chance to answer back. You
don’t have to prod the guy to
compliment your looks, let him do
that at his own time. Constantly
seeking approval and turning the
conversation into a monologue sends
red flags that you have deep
underlying psychological issues.
What happened to women using
their uncanny ability to have guys
do their bidding without asking
5) The Prima donna
Everything about her attire is aimed
at making a statement, there is even
an inspiration to the kind of
handkerchief she carries. She only
dons accessories from particular
designers, shops and only hangs out
in certain places.A prima donna only
associates with people within her
perceived class, anyone short of that
isn’t worth a minute of her time.
From afar, she may appear full of
confidence but beneath that
unruffled exterior lies an insecure
lady who is desperately trying to
impress anyone and everyone. She is
easily the most annoying kind to
take out on a date. So you drive a
Japanese car? Most of my friends
own rides that make yours look like
a toolbox on wheels. You listen to
soul music? Dude, that’s so 1950’s.
What’s your favorite meal? Yuck!
That tastes like ash!That’s your
favorite Movie? C’mon, how can
anyone sit through such a boring
movie? Nothing you like is good
enough for her.
We all come from different
backgrounds and have different
personalities so just because
someone has different tastes don’t
necessarily mean they are decrepit.
What’s the most annoying date
you’ve ever had?

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