1. Cycles of light affect our fertility
Women used to menstruate during the new moon (when it’s dark at night) and ovulate during a full moon (when it’s light).
Now, in a world full of artificial
lighting and bright screens, women are not as in tune with the connection between their biology and nature.
Some have tried “lunaception,” altering the lights in their bedrooms based on the moon lighting to change their ovulation.
2. Women can get pregnant five to eight days after having sex
Studies have shown that some sperm can live in the cervical mucus crypt before the egg is actually fertilized for anywhere
from five to eight days after sex'.
3. Wearing high heels can negatively affect a woman’s orgasm
Certain high-end shoe brands developed the arch in their high-heeled shoes to approximate the arch in a woman’s pelvis when she is having an orgasm.
The heels create a contraction in the pelvic floor, which is problematic because the pelvic
floor then cannot contract further during orgasm. “An orgasm is usually like going from zero to 60,” explains Fromberg. “If you’re already at 55 [from wearing heels], you’re not going to have a full experience.”
4. Orgasms can make women more creative
Studies have shown that orgasms can make women more confident, productive and creative. And it’s a feedback loop— women achieve fuller orgasms when they are being creative.
5. Birth control pills dampen the libido
Any hormonal contraception has that psychological side effect. Sometimes women even have trouble conceiving
once they’re off the pill because while they may have been attracted to their partner on the pill, they’re not actually compatible with each other biochemically without the extra hormones.
6. Sitting in chairs can arouse women
Pudendal nerves, underneath the buttox and the sitting bones, feed arousal tissues. Sitting in a certain kind of chair pressing on the
pudendal nerves in a certain way can lead to s€xual arousal.
7. …But it can also dampen their orgasms
On the other hand, sitting in chairs for most of the day shortens the pelvic floor and psoas muscles—muscles which are
essential to a full-body orgasm.
When these muscles are tight from sitting too much, women find it harder to achieve a
great orgasm.
8. Women have three erogenous zones
The cl!toris, the G Spot, AND the opening of the cervix. Some argue n!pples belong on that list too.
9. Nerve endings are distributed
differently in every woman’s vag!na
Like a snowflake, each woman is unique in that her nerve endings are distributed in her gen!talia differently than anyone else. That means, every woman needs to
employ slightly different methods to achieve orgasm.
10. The pulsations a woman feels during orgasm are actually her uterus trying to
gather sp£rm
Round ligaments that end in the lab!a majora “rock the uterus back and forth during orgasm so that the cervix has the opportunity to potentially scoop semen up that may have pooled in the back of
the vag!na to enhance fertility,”
11. Being well hydrated leads to better orgasms
Because the body is mostly fluid, being hydrated enhances people’s ability to achieve orgasm.
12. All woman can achieve orgasm
Almost no woman was born unable to achieve an orgasm. “Women have the innate machinery programmed to have
orgasms,” Fromberg explains. “But not everybody learns how to use that machinery well.”

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