‘Hand of God’ Pictured Emerging From The Clouds By Photographer in UK

A 38 year old British l photographer David Christie said he captured the stunning
moment a gigantic ‘hand’ appeared
through the clouds above his home…and he thinks the fist-like wind funnel is the
‘Hand of God’.

“I love weather photography and I’ve
taken a few pictures of small wind
funnels in the past. But this was
something else. It looked as through
m there was a huge hand piercing
through the clouds – it was
phenomenal. It really did seem like the hand of God. My wife and I are
both photographers and we’ve neverseen anything like this. This was a very surreal experience.” He told reporters

‘Hand of God’ Pictured Emerging From The Clouds By Photographer in UK ‘Hand of God’ Pictured Emerging
From The Clouds By Photographer in UK
Reviewed by Unknown on 12:46 PM Rating: 5

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