Though it is common to hear women
complain about not receiving enough time
or attention from their husbands; but a
lesser known truth is that most of them
do just the same when it comes to their
better halves!
Sweet, dear wives, put your hand on your
heart, and tell us, when was the last time
you showered your love on him, or when
was the last time you reminded him of
your love with a truly special gesture?
Well, if you have not done so in a long
time, then you are on the right page. Here
are a few, small and special ways that you
can use to remind him that you love him,
even without saying so!
Toilet mirror messages
A simple way to brighten your husband’s
day is to write a small love message on
your bathroom mirror with a lipstick or
dry-erase marker.
Though clichéd, the idea is good enough
to get your sleepyhead husband wide
awake, with a huge smile on his face!
Secret messages
Write small love notes, and hide them in
different places, like his shirt pocket,
wallet, car, lunch box, or in between files;
and let him discover them as he goes
about his day.
An unexpected love-note in the middle of
the day is a great way to brighten the day
for him, and remind him of your love.
Husband’s day
You always put the onus of making
romantic gestures and day offs on your
husband, but do you ever give them that
special attention. Create a special
“husband’s day”, where you treat him as a
king for the day.
Even if you can’t plan an entire day, then
here is a small gesture that you can add
to your daily life. You can make special
heart-shaped paranthas for dinner, or
heart-shapped pancakes for breakfast, or
heart-shaped cake for dessert, to give him
a ‘not so subtle’ hint into your intentions,
every day!
Text some love
Remember the initial days of your
relationship when the phone didn’t stop
buzzing with sweet nothings from your
beloved? Bring that sweet romance back
in your life.
Surprise him with a spontaneous flirty or
romantic text during the day. This simple
thing worked for your relationship during
your courtship days, so it is already “tried
and tested”, right? So, go ahead, and text
him some ‘love’!
Give undivided attention
Women are great at multi-tasking and
always have a never-ending ‘to-do’ list. As
a result, their husbands often feel ignored
and left out. So, next time when your
husband calls out for you or is talking to
you, drop everything else you are doing
and give him your undivided attention.
You cannot show someone that they are
more appreciated than by giving them the
gift of your time and attention. And,
believe us, your husband will love and
appreciate this gesture a lot!
Show him off
Let him know that you are proud to be
his wife. Whenever you two are out with
your family or friends, do point out little
sweet and special things he does for you.
But, don’t go overboard in praising your
“hubby”. In the middle of the
conversation, do let his loved ones know
how proud you are, to be his wife. This
way, not only will he see how much you
love him, but he will also know that his
little gestures towards you are not going
waste or unnoticed!
Flirt more often
One of the most enjoyable aspects of
dating is flirting. It is relaxing, and keeps
you on your toes.
But once the status changes to “married”,
the conversation is usually commonplace
or full of do-this-do-that. This creates a
distance between couples that leaves
them dumbstruck when left alone. Just
because you are now together don’t stop
flirting. Try and bring back your flirtatious
days back into your relationship.
Aren’t these some cool, creative and
interesting ways to tell your husband
that you love him, even without uttering
a word? Go ahead, and give them a try!

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