1. What are your reasons for wanting to
get married?
There are many reasons for
wanting to find a marriage partner:
companionship of a spouse and wanting a
family (a spouse and children)
2. What would marriage give you that you
don't already have? What would you be
giving up?
You can list your pros and
cons of marriage. The major issues that
come up are about the loss of freedom in
marriage. You have to account for the
other person in all your decisions. There
seem to be more family obligations when
you are married. This can take up a lot of
your time. Being single can take a lot of
time too.
3. How do you view marriage?
your opinion of marriage? Do you have
positive thoughts about marriage? Or do
you have a negative view of marriage?
4. How much of your time would you be
willing to devote to a life partner?
are your top priorities in your life? List
your top priorities in life. If finding a
marriage partner or making the most of
your current relationship is one of the
top two, then you are probably ready for
5. Are you willing to make the
compromises to be a "we" instead of a
Once you find the person you
believe to be "the one," are you willing
to sacrifice in order to make the
relationship work?
6. Are you emotionally available for a
What are the circumstances
that make it difficult for you to commit to
marriage right now? Have you moved on
from your past divorce or most recent
break up? Do you have commitments
such as your children, an aging parent or
the financial strain of changing careers?
7. How will you know when you are ready
for marriage?
Trust in yourself that you
will know when you are ready for
marriage.It takes only that one true man or woman to convince you to make the decision.
8. Are you willing to go public with your
desire to find a marriage partner or to be
Marriage is not a dirty word.Be very upfront about
your intentions to find a partner for

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